Image "My Friend" by Helen Thomas Robson (Used by Permission)
Minimalism from a Biblical Point of View —

Biblical Minimalism is "a complete, whole-person release of anything unlike Jesus, a letting go of everything that hinders us from following Him wholeheartedly and single-mindedly, and a relinquishing of all that brings us under bondage to this earthly, very temporary life." Cheryl E. Smith

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Biblical Minimalism ~ The BOOK is Published!!

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12

Hello, everyone!

I love the above verse, and it surely applies to the news I am sharing with you here today.  As many of you know, my family and I have been on a mission of minimizing our lives over the past few years, and the Lord laid it on my heart to write a book about it and include the many spiritual lessons He has taught us along the way.  

When I finished writing our family's story, I knew we needed a powerful cover for our book—one that would portray the compelling call of Jesus to follow Him wholeheartedly and without reserve.  I couldn't imagine what that would actually look like, until the day, Zach, called to me and said,  "Mama, you HAVE to see this picture I found online!"  I can hardly put into words the emotions that washed over me as I stood behind Zach staring at the computer screen.  It was my first time seeing Helen Thomas Robson's amazing photo, "My Friend."  I was so overwhelmed as I said, "That's it, Zach!  That is the exact epitome of everything I am trying to say in this book!"  

He and Kevin both agreed, and the quest was on to find out who took that photo.  After some searching online, I found Helen, and soon, we were on the phone talking like old friends.  I told her some of our story and how deeply her photo moved us.  I began to inquire about obtaining the rights to use her photo as our book cover, even though I was no where near ready to publish.  The book needed a thorough, professional edit, and the cost was inhibitive.  Helen, so graciously allowed me to use her photo as the banner of this blog, and we agreed that I would call her back if and when the time ever came that the book would be published.

After a long waiting process, the Lord made a way, and the book was finally edited and recently prepared for publishing. I contacted Helen again and was able to secure usage rights for the book cover!!  Zach applied his amazing graphic design super skills, and he designed the cover so beautifully.  We could not be more pleased with the outcome! 

Here it is!

Yesterday, I completed the laborious task of publishing, and our book is now available for purchase—both in paperback and ebook form by clicking HERE!!

Truly, I am just speechless and SO very grateful to God that this long-held dream is now a reality!

Please join us in giving praise to God for making it all come together, for providing the finances needed, and for miraculously making this happen!

Many, many thanks and blessings to all of you for being so loyal and supportive to us on this amazing journey!  May God bless each one of you in a special way.


  1. Congrats to you my friend! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to read it. The cover is amazing, Zach did a great job with design and graphics. May God use the book for His honor and glory!

    1. Oh, thank you ever so much! We are pretty excited around here, too! Thank you so much for your kind words - I will be sure to share them with Zach! YES, may GOD use this book for His honor and glory. That is our prayer, indeed. Much love and gratitude to you, sweet friend!

  2. Congratulations Cheryl! I feel like I'm talking to a celebrity now😊
    I pray the Lord will use this book for His glory and many will be blessed by reading your book!

    1. Thank you ever so much, sweet friend! You are so kind. Oh, how I pray the same thing! May JESUS be exalted and glorified above ALL else, and may hearts be inspired to let go of this world to follow Him with their whole hearts.

  3. Looking forward to all you've discovered, Cheryl!

    1. I can't wait to share it all with you, my friend!

  4. I pray your book is favored by God and changes lives for the glory of God.
    My granddaughter it the tech person in our home. She does amazing 'art' on the computer for our church bulletins and the like.
    It is a wonderful blessing when your project is a family involved endeavor.
    God bless you and yours.

    1. YES, and AMEN, Tsrish! How I long for HIS favor and for this book to change lives for HIS glory alone! That is so wonderful that your granddaughter is so talented to do those things. I am thankful for her and Zach and others who step up to the plate and do what we cannot! It is like they are born knowing these things anymore. LOL! I am so grateful for your sweet comment and trust the Lord will richly bless you!

  5. This is so exciting! I just read the preview over on Amazon and I loved it! So much Scripture, not just the current fad of minimizing. So looking forward to reading the whole book. I know many will be blessed by it. xo

    1. Oh, wow! Thank you so much for reading. Your paperback copy will be in the mail to you just as soon as possible! YES ~ this book is literally saturated with Scripture. I didn't want it based on my opinions, but on Jesus and God's Word. May the Lord bless you, my friend. Love and hugs to you!

  6. Again, I am just so overjoyed for you! I did not realize the story behind the cover picture. It is truly wonderful how the Lord orchestrates even the smallest details turning them into details of great significance.

    I know your book will bless many dear friend!

    Sending you much love, Karen

    1. Yes, it surely is so wonderful how He does orchestrate the details. I am so grateful for you, your friendship, support, and encouragement, dear friend. May the Lord richly bless you! Sending much love back to you!

  7. Congratulations, Cheryl. A long process and so glad you stuck with it! I look forward to reading it again and may God use the messages in it for His honor and glory. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Gentle Joy! I am so sorry it took so long to respond. I am going back through my comments and seeing some that I failed to respond to. God knew I needed to re-read them for encouragement today! May He bless you.


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