Image "My Friend" by Helen Thomas Robson (Used by Permission)
Minimalism from a Biblical Point of View —

Biblical Minimalism is "a complete, whole-person release of anything unlike Jesus, a letting go of everything that hinders us from following Him wholeheartedly and single-mindedly, and a relinquishing of all that brings us under bondage to this earthly, very temporary life." Cheryl E. Smith

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Today, I'm Sharing at No Sidebar

I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my heart today over at No Sidebar

I hope you can join me there!


  1. Cheryl there are so many truths here!! We had a similar experience. Someone got our CC number and it was then we realized how in debt we were. My husband (bless him) worked a second job at night while pastoring our church full time to get us out of that debt. It took many years but we learned a valuable lesson as well. I love your point that you only need to see just one step ahead, not the whole picture. AND being raised by parents of the 20's and 30's, we were raised with that mentality that you need to keep it because you may need it some day! So your point that we need to just trust the Lord to provide what we need WHEN we need it is SO true. So many things to take to heart here . . . thank you for sharing it all and I know it is going to bless many!

    1. Oh, Lauren! I am SO sorry to hear of what you went through! I am so thankful the Lord brought you through the trial, and you are so right, when we go through things like this, He surely teaches us. We are still learning and trying to glean every bit of wisdom and help we can. He is SO faithful! I am so grateful to Him and also very thankful to you for your encouragement and support on this journey! Sending hugs to you today. :)

  2. Cheryl, what a thought provoking post! I was raised by parents that were products of the depression, but they taught me well. They lived and my Dad continues to live frugally but generously toward God and those in need! My husband and I felt convicted over 15 years ago to get out of debt and with God’s help it became a reality! Such freedom indeed! Blessings~

    1. That is so wonderful, Pam! Your parents sound like such Godly people who really see what is most important in life. I am so thankful to hear your testimony about how God helped you get out of debt. He is SO faithful! Your comment was such an encouragement to me. So thankful for your visit!

  3. Your article is informative and I like the way you write about the journey of it all. As you say, when we change course so drastically our minds trick us in so many ways. That helped me right there pause and review what I think I deserve vs. what God is teaching me at this stage in life and simplifying in all areas. It is always key for me to seek His voice and follow the plan that is best for me and it's all in the Word and His Holy Spirit paves the way. Thank you, Cheryl, for your example and your willingness to help others! Love you and I send a big hug to you.

    1. Dear Mary! I am so grateful for your encouragement and support along this journey. You are such a blessing to me, and I send much love and many hugs back to you, sweet friend!

  4. Your article was on Becoming Minimalists' weekend reads recommendations this week. When I saw it, I wondered if it was you, but with the name Cheryl Smith not being the most uncommon name in the world, I couldn't be certain. But it IS you!

    Great article! My husband and I are in the process of preparing to downsize now that our nest is empty. We are very much looking towards renting rather than owning. I just don't feel the need to own anymore!!

    And, I also wanted to say how much I agree about possessions not being the only thing we need to minimize. Our schedules nowadays are packed so full of activities that we can barely breathe. Busyness has replaced materialism as our God.

    Thank you for sharing your wise thoughts.


    1. Oh, wow, I didn't even see that it was featured at Becoming Minimalist! I hadn't had a chance to read the latest post there yet, but I am so grateful you told me. Thank you ever so much for your sweet visit and kind words. You are SO right about busyness becoming a god to us. I will have a lot more to say about that later on under the "Obligational" category, if the Lord wills! So thankful for you and your encouragement and sending many blessings back to you!

  5. Hi Cheryl, those 10 points are AWESOME and so true. We moved so much at one stage that it is easy for me to let go of material stuff, but I am now on the journey of letting go of social media "stuff". It grips you and thus is an idol, and thus, must go. Great post to help steer me in the right direction. We are still journeying materialistically but its timing needs to line up with the letting go of married daughters and waiting out old dogs, etc, :)
    God bless special lady

    1. Thank you, faithful friend. Oh, you are SO media is surely a time thief and can become a major idol. How very, very true. Your encouragement and support is a precious gift to me. May God bless you and guide you on your minimizing journey. His timing is always perfect!!

  6. OH wow! Just saw that you did this when you sent your prayer request! That header and definition are amazing.
    I've gfc signed up.
    Going to take a look at the other blog now.

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! It means so much to me that you are following along, and I so appreciate your support and encouragement! Praying for you faithfully!


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